Some tips for shedding the pounds and maintaining that weight loss.....
1) Measurements mean MORE then scale readings.
Measuring changes with a tape
Contrary to belief - weight loss is NOT all about the scales. Water retention, hormonal levels, muscle mass increase can all contribute to a false reading on the scales. DO NOT BECOME A SLAVE TO THE SCALES. Yes, you can weigh in (once a week) but also add in the process of measuring your body to see where it is scaling down.
Here are the areas to measure weekly :
Important :
The bust – at the nipple line.
The chest – just under your bust.
The waist – the smallest and narrowest part of your upper body. Bend left to right and the part where your body bends that’s the narrowest part.
Optional :
The abdominal – at the level of your belly button.
The arms – the largest part of each arm (bicep area).
The hips – the widest part of your hips.
The thighs – the biggest part of each thigh.
The calves – the biggest part of each calf.
Write those measurements down and then measure yourself every week / fortnightly. You will notice that on the weeks the scales may not move, you will still be losing inches. This is possible because one pound of muscle is way more packed than one pound of fat. (One pound of muscle occupies less space within the body than one pound of fat.)
Remember to measure yourself in front of a mirror to make sure the tape is positioned correctly.
2) Water
Drink at least 2L of water per day - to ensure fat that is metabolizing is leaving your body, sip away throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before EVERY meal and snack - your body can not tell the difference between thirst and hunger - ensure you are not mistaking your need to eat for a need to drink. Drinking water before eating primes your metabolism for breaking down food and helps with satiation (fullness).
3) Carbohydrates
Limit or avoid simple carbohydrates as they are full of sugar which turns to fat when not burned off (white bread, white pasta, fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks. Swap out dairy for plant-based alternatives (ie. Oat milk, Almond etc). A simple rule is to LIMIT ALL WHITE PRODUCTS. They generally have little to no nutritional value.
4) Follow the rule of the FOUR R's
Eat as much food as you need to feel full as long as it :
Roams or grows - (meats, vegetables and fruits)
Raw - can be eaten raw
Recognisable and Replicable - you can recognize the ingredients and replicate it in your own kitchen (NO franken-food that need to be made in a Margarine, food full of E-numbers or chemicals)
Rots - food that has the capability to go 'off'.
5) Eat Mindfully
Eat at the table, enjoy the process of eating your food, slow down and chew your food ALL THE WAY DOWN TO LIQUID - savour the textures and flavours. Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls.
6) Move your body
In any way that is FUN! At least 30 mins per day :) Park further and walk. Take the stairs. Dance in the kitchen! Walking is FREE, fun and great for the mind and body. If you are looking to take it up a notch and want to accelerate your fat loss - consider a body weight or HIIT workout.
The Key here is to WORK OUT to FEEL GOOD - no other reason.....the weight dropping off you will be a welcome by-product.
Check out these FREE youtube channels for quick, easy fat burning sequences you can do in the comfort of your own home : Fat Burner (under 12 minutes)
For more home workouts with a kick 😁 check out this collection: Short Workouts for Home
HINT! If you are limited with space and time - a kettle bell or skipping rope workout is IDEAL. The small investment in a kettlebell or skipping rope will serve you well.
REMEMBER : You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.
7) Hunger - eat when you are hungry. STOP when you are full. Listen to your body and tune into the true signs of hunger. It can take up to 15 mins for your body to fully register it is full. If you find you are still hungry after a meal...wait 15 mins then IF you still have the feeling of hunger go ahead and eat. BUT always give yourself that time gap.
8) Leave Food
ALWAYS leave some food on your plate. This signifies to your unconscious mind you are exercising your ability to take it or leave it. You have a choice. It also paves the way to reducing your portion sizes as you will automatically reduce the amount of food you plate up. People sometimes struggle with this, perceiving it as have a choice to waste it on your body (using your body as a trash can) or STOP, let it go and feel empowered. Its all choice. And you are now making BETTER choices .
9) CUT OUT Sweeteners & Diet Drinks
Food and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners cause you to GAIN weight. Period. Diet soda's, sweeteners (Canderel, Splenda etc), in fact many 'No added Sugar' foods contain aspartame.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that turns off your metabolism (can not break down fats), blocks your natural ability to know you are full (increased hunger) and causes your organs to develop a protective layer of fat around them (to protect them from the poison).
Aspartame is a neurotoxin that causes strokes, cancer, inflammation and has direct links to type 2 diabetes. It is given to pigs before slaughter in order for them to eat non stop and put on as much weight as possible.
10) Curb the dairy!
Dairy tends to be full of growth hormones. These are injected into cows to increase milk production BUT they also enter the milk you are consuming. Growth hormones are designed to do what they sound like - GROW your cells, increase fat and hold weight.
The overstimulation of the cow's udders causes infections that are treated with antibiotics. This causes milk to also contain a level of antibiotics, artificial hormones and pus cells - all caused by he overgrowth and stimulation of the cow's udders in milk production.
Cheese is a concentrated variation of milk and in fact, it takes 10lbs of milk to make 1lb of cheese. Meaning your cheese is 10x more concentrated in hormones, antibiotics and pus cells. Better sources for calcium then milk include : dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and watercress. Dried fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses (peas, beans and lentils). Swap for plant milk where you can.
11) Weigh in - only ONCE a week!
Hormones, sodium levels and water intake can and will create false readings on the scale if you weigh in every day. This is because, as fat is metabolized out of your body. The empty fat cell temporally fills with water, before shrinking and disappearing. The water-filled fat cell will count as weight on the scale but it only a temporary step before that fat cell shrivels and evaporates. The scales will not reflect muscle tone increase or inches dropping off your body.
ALWAYS couple the scale readings with measurements or a garment in a smaller size as a guideline to shape reduction.
12) Consider Intermittent Fasting
16/8 intermittent fasting involves eating only during an 8-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16 hours. It may support weight loss and improve blood sugar, brain function and longevity. Eat a healthy diet during your eating period and drink calorie-free beverages like water or unsweetened teas and coffee.
To begin 16/8 intermittent fasting, choose an eight-hour window and limit your food intake to that time span. Be sure to eat a balanced, healthy diet during your eating period.
Find out more here : 16/8 Intermittent Fasting
REMEMBER : Please consult your doctor or a dietician when considering a change in your eating habits.
13) Educate yourself
The key to long-lasting weight loss and maintenance is......wait for it.......EAT LESS and MOVE MORE... Ta....daaaa!!! 😁 Planning what you are going to eat and more importantly having the right food in the house is key. Also, making sure the food you eat is healthy, nutritious and filling will ensure success on your journey. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. You are making phenomenal changes on a mind, body and psyche level FOR LIFE! Knowing WHAT you are putting into your body and choosing the right food for you is truly the best thing you can do for yourself.
Some resources for making those choices and changes are:
Documentaries on NetFlix and other platforms :
Food Matters
Fed up
Hungry for change
Forks over Knives
Food Choices
Recipe Books & Websites
All the above recommendations are personal and are not affiliated in any way.
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