Hypnosis for Habits & Addictions
Definition of Destructive Habits
Human beings are creatures of habit. From a very early age we learn behaviors that serve our needs and then we repeat those behaviors whenever the needs arise, developing habits. The subconscious mind, where habits form and reside, accepts the known and fears the unknown. Habits are maintained because they are familiar ways of behaving with expected consequences that serve needs.
Similarly, bad habits develop to serve legitimate needs; however, they also have negative consequences that are detrimental to health, emotional well-being, self-image, relationships, career, etc. It is in virtue of these negative consequences that such habits are deemed “bad”.
What Needs Do Destructive Habits Satisfy?
Bad habits typically form to manage stress, overcome anxiety, and to promote relaxation. Habitual smoking, excessive drinking, abuse of drugs, and overeating are four of the primary ways that people attempt to self-medicate to feel better. Biting nails, picking at skin, and hair pulling, are other habits that develop subconsciously in childhood, sometimes as a means for regaining a sense of control or to get noticed in those who feel abused or neglected. Bad habits also form as a means of self-punishment in a child who feels guilty, ashamed, or worthless.
Not all bad habits involve using physical substances or doing bodily harm. Procrastination, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and chronic negative self-talk are examples of bad habits that do emotional harm and damage self-esteem whilst attempting to stave off fear, prevent failure, or dissolve guilt.
Destructive Habits & Their Negative Effects
The following list includes just some of the services we provide and how they can affect individuals :
Hypnosis to Quit Smoking & Vaping
Hypnosis to Stop Drinking Alcohol
Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Moderation
Hypnosis for Drug Dependency
Hypnotherapy to Stop Gambling
Hypnosis for Food Addictions and Compulsions
Hypnotherapy for Shopping Addiction & Compulsive Buying
Potentially Causing :
Poor self-image
Diminished physical health
Substantial weight gain or loss
Loss of self-respect and self-esteem
Financial problems
Loss of energy
Sleep problems
Social anxiety
Anxiety or panic attacks
Impaired sexual desire and function
Damaged personal relationships
Job loss or career stagnation
Because the subconscious mind embraces the known and fears the unknown, it sticks with bad habits, reluctant to give them up because of the needs they are known to serve. For this reason, bad habits (such as addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and sugar) can be difficult to break with willpower alone.
Using Hypnotherapy To Replace Destructive Habits
Online Hypnotherapy for addiction is a relaxing, natural, and safe, brief-term form of therapy that enables direct and immediate influence on the subconscious mind where destructive habits develop and endure if left untreated.
Breaking destructive habits through hypnosis for habits is possible when:
1) The client really wants to make the changes;
2) Believes that they can make positive changes;
3) Is open to using the shared tools & techniques on a consistent basis.
Transformational Hypnotherapy is a powerful, quick and successfull process that will help you take back control of your life. It is also a collaboration and requires client participation for success.
Our results :

After your Hypnosis for Habit's Session You will have :
Removed the want and need to fufill those destructive tendencies.
Increased your motivation & drive.
Removed cravings & compulsions.
Removed emotional triggers.
Identified and removed negative beliefs & associations.
Anxiety, stress & overwhelm clear out.
Undergone an unconscious and positive shift in your automatic perceptions and behaviours.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is simply a relaxed, focused state of concentration. It is when we are this relaxed, that our subconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. The subconscious mind is the source of many of our problems. Our beliefs, habits and behaviours are stored as information. Hypnosis is a natural and effective technique for accessing the subconscious mind – the key to unleashing our potential, changing our unwanted habits and behaviours and finding solutions to our problems and concerns.
Will I be in control under Hypnosis?
There’s a lot of misconception about Hypnosis. This is largely based on what people have seen on television or on stage. Hypnosis is not a form of mind control. Hypnotists cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do. You will be in complete control throughout the session and will be aware of everything that is happening.
Will I be asleep?
No. You will be awake and alert, and aware of everything that is happening throughout the session.
What will it feel like?
During your session you'll feel relaxed & comfortable. Hypnosis is a natural state that you experience every day; when you're daydreaming, driving along without thinking about it or just before you fall asleep. Ultimately, you'll feel incredibly relaxed. You might notice that your eyelids will flicker or flutter a little bit, this is just a natural and normal response.
What if I can't be Hypnotised?
You can. Everybody can. As long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. It's an easy, enjoyable and thoroughly relaxing process.
Do you use Regression techniques?
It is likely that you'll be guided through a Review, Reassess & Release process. Enabling you to understand the root cause of your problem. Regression is an invaluable way to review scenes from the past and identify issue causation. You won't re-experience anything. You'll simply observe events or experiences you have had in your past as if you are watching them on a television in a safe environment.
What if I uncover something I don't want to share?
You are in complete control during hypnosis & if you don't wish to share something, you won't. It's ok to keep details to yourself, I can still help you as long as you can tell me how the unnamed details affect you (as in how they make you feel).
How long is a session?
Each therapy session is 60 - 90 minutes long. At the start of the session, we'll briefly discuss the issue. We'll quickly move into hypnosis, as the true cause of the problem can be better understood when working with the subconscious mind. A variety of different methods will then be used to treat the issue. The final part of the session will be recorded. The recording will be provided to you at the end of the session to take home.
Can I really overcome my issue in just a few sessions?
Absolutely! Using this method, I help people resolve their issues, quickly, easily and permanently.
The source of our issues are usually based on age appropriate understandings. When you're able to observe yourself and the beliefs you attributed from a non-judgemental perspective, it's relatively easy to make sense of them, in order to let them go completely. These beliefs can be replaced with new thoughts that are more beneficial to your life.
Occasionally, further sessions are required for complex issues, or where several issues are present.
Do I have to listen to the recording?
The recording is an essential part of the treatment. You should listen to the recording every day for 21 days.
What can I expect in an online session?
You can expect to be super relaxed in your own home. Online sessions work even better than in-person, as you are able to let go and relax fully in your own safe and familiar environment. A good connection is essential. Headphones are preferable. All instructions are provided when your booking is confirmed.